The CSA North program will continue the Junior Academy Program for the Spring 2025. The Junior Academy is intended for players that show an advanced level of play for their age group and are interested in developing skills and techniques to prepare them for participating in the CSA competitive program when they are age-eligible. Players are selected for the Junior Academy Recreational Programs following pre-season evaluations.
Player must be registered and paid for a U8 division in the CSA North recreational program for Spring 2025.
Evaluations are held prior to each season and are mandatory.
There are no make up sessions available.
Due to the program structure, players cannot be added after evaluations.
Junior Academy is an ADD-ON program; additional fees apply if accepted.
Players in is the following age groups who are registered fand paid for the Fall CSA Recreational Program are eligible to attend Junior Academy evaluations.
7U (2018 birth year boys and girls)
8U (2017 birth year boys and girls)
FOR THE SPRING 202 SEASON, we will hold supplemental evaluations to add to the Junior Academy pool formed in the fall.
Any 2017 or 2018 birth year player REGISTERED AND PAID FOR THE CURRENT CSA REC SEASON is welcome to attend the evaluations which are held prior to each season.
Evaluations are mandatory to be considered for the program. No makeup sessions are available. All interested players, including previous Junior Academy participants, must attend evaluations each season.
• Complete player registration and payment for U8 CSA Rec Soccer.
• All registered players that are age-eligible will be emailed information about JA evaluations. Info will also be updated on this page.
• There is NO FEE to register for evaluations, however, we do require advance registration.
• Attend the evaluation session.
• The results of the evaluations are posted online shortly following evaluations.
• If accepted, you will receive an email with further instructions to make your payment to confirm participation.
• If your child is not accepted, they will be assigned to a recreational team in accordance with your original registration and requests. If your child is not registered or on a waitlist at the time of evaluations and are not selected, they will remain on the waitlist until a spot is available in our recreational program.
Evaluations are free; however, REGISTRATION IN ADVANCE IS REQUIRED so we are able to contact interested families with updates and changes. Please register for Spring Soccer before signing up for evaluations.
Evaluation Information and registration: CLICK HERE.
This form is to sign up for evaluations only. It does not register your child for spring soccer.
The CSA Junior Academy program ensures a coaching staff that utilizes the US Soccer Federation player development curriculum. The US Soccer Federation's age-appropriate curriculum is designed in an effort to prepare each Junior Academy player with confidence and success on any team they join in the future, specifically CSA's Youth Academy and other competitive soccer teams.
The goal of the JA program is to give advanced players the opportunity to train and play against players of similar abilities. Emphasis in JA is technical work on the ball, with main training focus on improving the three basic soccer skills of dribbling, passing, and shooting. Training will emphasize dribbling, taking players on in 1v1 situation, the art of passing, movement without the ball, and finishing. Players will learn “the bigger picture” concepts of soccer as we start to introduce positions (goalie/defender/midfielder/forward) and teach them how to play the game. Selected players are removed from the traditional recreational program and instead train together once per week in a pool format.
Weekly pool training is tentatively scheduled for Tuesdays (Boys) or Thursdays (Girls) evenings at Frank Liske Park 6:00 - 7:00pm.
An optional weekly tech training session will be offered.
On game days (Saturdays), JA players are mixed onto teams and play inter-squad matches in a 7 v 7 format with a goalkeeper. Game times to be determined prior to the start of the season.
CSA North Junior Academy (Birth years 2017 & 2018)
Fees: 8U Rec Program Fee $120 + JA Fee $75 = $195 per season.
Players must have the standard CSA Rec uniform kit or purchase it separately.