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CSA Recreational Soccer

CSA Recreational Soccer

JA Evalution Results (South Region) - Spring 2025

Thank you to all the players who attended evaluations.

The players listed below have been selected to join the Junior Academy program for the 2025 Spring Season.

If you were not selected, you will be assigned to a team based on your registration and special requests. If you were on the waitlist at the time of registration, then you will remain on the wait list, and we will let you know when we have openings!

If listed below as a selected player, please read the information and instructions carefully!

We assume that all selected players will accept their spot in the Junior Academy. 
If you do not plan to participate, please let us know by Wednesday, January 29th.  See contact info below.
CSA admin staff will transfer the registration for all accepted players to the Junior Academy Program no later than 5pm on Monday, January 27th.
This will automatically send an email from our registration system with instructions on how to proceed to accept your position. The subject will be REGISTRATION or PARTICIPANT TRANSFER. It often goes to spam or is overlooked. You can still complete your registration payment without the email.

After you receive the email (or after 5pm on Monday if you do not see an email), please read and follow these instructions carefully.
 - Log into your account and click on VIEW/PAY on the OPEN BALANCE box and pay the additional fee. 
 - Please do not attempt to "register" for a program - your child is already registered.
 - Make the payment as instructed by Wednesday, January 29th at 5pm.

All Junior Academy players must have the yellow and white Recreational jerseys. If you do not already have a jersey set, please  Click here for complete uniform info.

Because the Junior Academy players have practices at a different facility than all other rec programs, any siblings enrolled in the rec program will be assigned to a different practice night by default, to ensure a parent/guardian can be present at both locations. Please contact [email protected] with questions or concerns about sibling assignments.

Questions about registration and payment can be directed to [email protected].
Questions about the Junior Academy program should be directed to Rich Schwartz
[email protected].

Practice days and times (subject to change!)will be as follows:

6U/2019 Boys and Girls Junior Academy Pools
Practice time: Mondays 6:00-7:00pm Flat Branch Park (adjacent to Polo Ridge Elementary School)
6U Boys JA Coach: Rich Schwartz/Sean Jacobson
6U Girls JA Coach: Michael Searles/Carolyn Johnson

7U/2018 Girls Junior Academy Pool
Practice Time: Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 Flat Branch Park (adjacent to Polo Ridge Elementary School)
7U Girls JA Coaches: Betsy Dmochowski/Allie Bowen/Brittany Kantrowitz

7U/2018 Boys Junior Academy Pool
Practice time: Mondays 5:30 - 6:30 Flat Branch Park (adjacent to Polo Ridge Elementary School)
7U Boys JA Coaches: Mike Kroll/Stephen Filingeri/Devin Branch/James Finch

8U/2017 Girls Junior Academy Pool
Practice time: Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 Flat Branch Park (adjacent to Polo Ridge Elementary School)
Coaches: Sam Hoffman/Danielle Russell

8U/2017 Boys Junior Academy Pool
Practice time: Mondays 6:30-7:30 Flat Branch Park (adjacent to Polo Ridge Elementary School)
8U Boys JA Coaches: Mike Kroll/Devin Branch/James Finch

6U Boys (2019)  6U Girls (2019)

7U Boys (2018)7U Girls (2018) 


8U Boys (2017)  8U Girls (2017)


Junior Academy Information

Junior Academy Overview and Eligibility - Spring 2025 - SOUTH REGION

The CSA Junior Academy, part of the CSA Rec Soccer Program, is intended for players that show an advanced level of play for their age group and are interested in developing skills and techniques to prepare them for participating in the CSA competitive program when they are age-eligible. Players are selected for the Junior Academy Recreational Programs following pre-season evaluations.
Evaluations are held prior to each season and are mandatory.
There are no make up sessions available.

Due to the program structure, players cannot be added after evaluations. Players cannot participate in both the Junior Academy and the regular rec program.
Additional fees apply if the player is accepted to Junior Academy.

Players in is the following age groups who are registered for the CURRENT CSA Recreational Program are eligible to attend Junior Academy evaluations. 
6U (2019 birth year boys and girls)
7U (2018 birth year boys and girls)
8U (2017 birth year boys and girls)

Program Benefits, Training Details, Fees

The CSA Junior Academy program ensures a coaching staff that engages the US Soccer Federation player development curriculum. The US Soccer Federation's age-appropriate curriculum is designed in an effort to prepare each Junior Academy player with confidence and success on any team they join in the future, specifically CSA's Youth Academy and other competitive soccer teams.

Players are selected for the Junior Academy Recreational Programs following pre-season evaluations. Evaluations are held prior to each season and are mandatory. Due to the program structure, players cannot be added during the season.  

What the program offers:
  • Professional Coaching
  • US Soccer Federation curriculum session plans and development format
  • Guidance, support and recommendations from our Director
  • Training Jersey
  • Optional 4 v 4 events on select Sundays
Age-Group Specifics:
6U Junior Academy (Birth year 2019) 
Fees: 6U Rec Program Fee $140 + JA Fee $75 = $225 per season
Players must have the standard CSA Rec uniform kit or purchase it separately. The goal of the 6U JA program is to give advanced players the opportunity to train and play against players of similar abilities. Players selected for 6U JA are removed from the traditional recreation program. 6U JA players pool train together once per week and on game days (Saturdays), players compete against each other in a 3v3 or 4v4 format with no goalies. Emphasis in 6U JA is technical work on the ball with a training focus on dribbling and taking on players in 1v1 situations.
Practices and Pool game locations will be in South Charlotte region. Details will be finalized at the time of evaluations. 

7U Junior Academy (Birth year 2018)
Fees: 8U Rec Program Fee $160 + JA Fee $115 = $275 per season
Players must have the standard CSA Rec uniform kit or purchase it separately.

The goal of the 7U JA program is to give advanced players the opportunity to train and play against players of similar abilities. Selected players are removed from the traditional recreational program and instead train together once per week in a pool format. An optional weekly tech training session is offered On game days (Saturdays), players are mixed onto teams and play inter-squad matches in a 6 v 6 format with a goalkeeper. Emphasis in 7U JA is technical work on the ball, with main training focus on improving the three basis soccer skills of dribbling, passing, and shooting. Training will emphasize dribbling, taking players on in 1v1 situation, the art of passing, movement without the ball, and finishing. Players will learn “the bigger picture” concepts of soccer as we start to introduce positions (goalie/defender/midfielder/forward) and teach them how to play the game.
Practices and Pool game locations will be in South Charlotte region. Details will be finalized at the time of evaluations. 

8U Junior Academy (Birth Year 2017) 
Fees: 8U Rec Program Fee $160 + JA Fee $240 = $400 per season
Players must have the standard CSA Rec uniform kit or purchase it separately.
This program is designed to prepare young elite players to play at CSA's Youth Academy Program the following year. Emphasis is on technical work on the ball. The focus is on improving the three basic skills of dribbling, passing and shooting. While we still emphasize dribbling and taking players on in 1v1 situations we start working on the art of passing, movement without the ball and finishing. Work continues with field positioning, giving every player the opportunity to play all positions. Players will be introduced to the concept of keeping possession of the ball and switching the field of play. 
Practices and game locations will be in South Charlotte region. Details will be finalized at the time of evaluations. 

If you have any questions about the Junior Academy program, please reach out the director, Rich Schwartz.

Evaluation Process

For Spring 2025, the Junior Academy will hold SUPPLEMENTAL evaluations to add players to the existing program where limited spots are available. 

Any 2017, 2018 or 2019 birth year player REGISTERED AND PAID FOR THE CURRENT CSA REC SEASON is welcome to attend the evaluations which are held prior to each season.

Evaluations are mandatory to be considered for the program. No makeup sessions are available. All interested players, including previous Junior Academy participants, must attend evaluations each season. 

  • Complete player registration and payment for U6 or U8 CSA Rec Soccer.
  • All registered players that are age-eligible will be emailed information about JA supplemental evaluations. Info will also be updated on this page. 
  • There is NO FEE to register for evaluations, however, we do require advance registration.
  • Attend the appropriate evaluation session. 
  • The results of the evaluations are posted ONLINE shortly following evaluations. 
  • If accepted, you will also receive an email with further instructions to make your payment to confirm participation.
  • If your child is not accepted, they will be assigned to a recreational team in accordance with your original registration and requests. If your child is on a waitlist at the time of evaluations and are not selected, they will remain on the waitlist until a spot is available in our recreational program. 
No other dates or times are available for evaluations.

(UPDATED 1/15/2025)
The evaluations will be held at McAlpine Elementary School fields, 9100 Carswell Lane Charlotte 28277.

Dates and Times:

Saturday, January 25th

11:00am-12:00pm - Boys 7U/8U (2018/2017)
12:30pm-1:30pm: Boys 6U (2019) Boys and Girls 6U/7U/8U (2019/2018/2017)

Please register for evaluations by January 24th

Click here for registration form. 


Charlotte Soccer Academy Recreational Soccer
13333 Dorman Road (CSA Office) 
Pineville, North Carolina 28134

Phone: 980-290-7280
Email: [email protected]

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